
An innovation platform sponsored by the Novo Nordisk Foundation
Internetbehandling – Aarhus University Hospital

Internetbehandling– A Digital Platform for the Treatment of Functional Disorders and the Psychological Consequences of Somatic Diseases

The Department for Functional Disorders at AUH offers specialised treatment for patients with functional disorders (FD) and health anxiety (HA). Patients with FD experience physical symptoms that cannot be verified by medical tests (e.g. blood tests, X-rays), while HA is characterised by a preoccupation with fear of having a serious illness. Both conditions are common, with HA affecting 2 percent and FD affecting 10 percent of the general population.

The Inspiration Behind the Innovation

Since 2014, the Department for Functional Disorders has been developing a platform that enables clinicians to adapt existing treatments to a digital format and deliver them via the internet, in what is termed 'digital psychological treatment' (DPT). DPT allows patients to access treatment material online while being supported by a remote therapist. DPT has gained increasing attention in recent years as several scientific studies have shown that DPT is as effective as face-to-face psychological treatment. Compared to traditional methods, DPT is more cost effective, scalable and can reach more patients.

The Innovation 

DPT for FC has been tested extensively, and interest is increasing across Denmark for methods to treat the anxiety and depression patients often experience in relation to a number of somatic diseases. To meet this interest, the team has developed 10 DPT applications on the platform targeting various patient groups. 

The team has been in contact with the Psychiatry Unit and IT Department at AUH – both have expressed interest in integrating the platform within the Region. They've also been in contact with 'Internetpsykiatrien' in the Region of Southern Denmark, who already deliver DPT and have expressed interest in forming a coalition to fund the development of a national platform.

The BETA.HEALTH period will focus on establishing a framework that supports a more mature digital platform that can be implemented across sectors and clinical specialities, as well as supporting national implementation.

The Team

Lisbeth Frostholm: Lead Psychologist, Professor Functional Disorders; Aarhus University Hospital; Aarhus University

Philip Anthony Riley: MSc Computer Science; Department of Functional Disorders, Aarhus University Hospital

Oliver Rønn Christensen: MSc Technoanthropologist; Department of Functional Disorders, Aarhus University Hospital